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安徽聚氯化铝批发 聚丙烯酰胺污泥沉淀剂

  • 发布日期:2018-10-27 22:57
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 机械工业区域:河南郑州市
  • 浏览次数137
  • 留言咨询
河南安家净环保科技有限公司专业生产纤维球、 聚丙烯酰胺阴阳非离子、阻垢缓蚀剂、聚合硫酸铁、聚合硫酸亚铁、活性氧化铝球、椰壳活性炭、果壳活性炭、柱状活性炭、粉状活性炭、海绵铁滤料、分子筛、聚合氯化铝、聚丙烯酰胺、蜂窝斜管、火山岩滤料、硅藻土、沸石滤料、麦饭石滤料、无烟煤滤料、陶粒滤料、锰砂滤料、液面覆盖球填料、多面空心球填料、组合填料、滤头滤帽、冷却塔填料、石英砂滤料等产品。
    目前已是中原最大的净水滤料生产基地,我公司不断开发研制新产品广泛用于给排水、冶金、电力、化工、石油、 环保、轻纺、造纸、制革等领域。对提高生活饮用水、高纯水净化、工业污水处理质量、延长供水设备寿命等起到了极大作用;拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。
Henan net environmental protection technology Co., Ltd. specializing in the production of fiber ball, yin and Yang, nonionic polyacrylamide inhibitor, polymeric ferric sulfate and polymerized ferrous sulfate, activated alumina ball, coconut shell activated carbon, activated carbon, activated carbon, powdered activated carbon, sponge filter, molecular sieve, polyaluminum chloride and polyacrylamide the honeycomb inclined pipe, volcano rock, filter, diatomite, zeolite, anthracite, stone filter, ceramic filter, manganese sand filter, surface covering ball filler, hacketten packing, combined packing, filter head filter cap, cooling tower, quartz sand and other products.
At present, it is the largest production base of water purification filter in Central Plains. Our company is developing and developing new products, and is widely used in water supply and drainage, metallurgy, power, chemical industry, petroleum, environmental protection, textile, papermaking, leather making and other fields. It has played a great role in improving the quality of drinking water, purifying high purity water, improving the quality of industrial sewage and prolonging the life of water supply equipment. It has a complete and scientific quality management system.
Over the years, Henan net environmental protection science and technology limited company's good faith, strength and quality of products have been recognized by the industry, welcome all friends to visit, guidance and business negotiation. Counseling hotline: 15838356978
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